School of Civil Engineering and Architecture


The School of Civil Engineering and Architecture was founded in 1999. Under the leadership of the University Party committee, the School, with the principle of “provincial first-rate research institute with national recognition” lays stress on the construction of key disciplines and teaching staff and constant perfection of the conditions for running the School, which makes remarkable achievements in teaching, academic research, construction of disciplines, teaching staff and laboratory, and student affairs.

The School has a relatively perfect professional system, with five 4-year undergraduate programs including Civil Engineering, Engineering Management, Architectonics, Traffic Engineering, Water Supply and Drainage Engineering and two Master conferrable spots in Engineering Project Management and Geotechnical Engineering (also as one of the provincial key disciplines and a “Chutian Scholar Program” special post for Distinguished Professors).

The School sets up 5 Teaching & Research offices of Structural Engineering, Engineering Management, Architectonics, Traffic engineering, Water Supply and Drainage Engineering, 1 Experimental Center in Civil Engineering, 7 Research Institutes (in Porous Medium Equation, Urban Environment, Structure and New Materials, Traffic Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Architectonics and Engineering Project Management), 1 Survey and Design Institute of our University and 1 Talent Training Centre. Currently, there are 1400 undergraduates and graduates in our School.

There are 48 faculty and 8 staff members in the School. Among the faculty members, there are 12 full professors, including 3 “Chutian Scholars” and Changqing distinguished professors, 18 associate professors, with 23 masters and 24 doctorates, of whom 5 are doctoral supervisors and 18 are master's supervisors.

Experiment education center of civil engineering comprises 8 Labs of Structural Engineering (ranked as first?rate provincial lab), Constructional Materials, Mechanics, Metrology, Civil Engineering, Architectural Physics, CAD and Mathematical Simulation and Percolation Mechanics (a construction program of characteristic discipline laboratory granted by the National Ministry of Finance and the local government). Laboratories cover an area of 3,400 square meters and the total value of apparatus is 14 million RMB, which ensures the processes of teaching and academic research.

The School attaches more importance to the student affairs, focusing on cultivating excellent talents with professional competence, creation and global perspectives. 10 professional practice bases guarantee the development of students’ practical ability and many multi-level creative competitions also promote the students’ innovative ability and therefore. In the past three years, the students have won over 20 national and provincial prizes. Besides, to broaden students’ horizon internationally, many well-known professors, including Professor Nasansi, Shizuoka University, Japan, and Professor Wang Laigui, visiting scholar in Oxford University, the UK, are invited to give lectures. With all the efforts, the graduates from our School have got a favorable reception of the employers and the employment rate keeps 95% and above. Over 100 of whom have been admitted as postgraduates into a great many famous universities including Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan University, and Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

The School adheres to teaching and academic research. All teachers of the School are organized into 5 teaching and research groups according to the following research orientations: geotechnical seepage and its applications, geological disaster prediction and prevention, concrete structure and its applications, solid waste disposal and recycling and the design and maintenance of pavement structure. Throughout the five years, 537 papers have been published, 148 of which are catalogued by SCI, EI and ISTP. The School has received many research grants, including 5 National Natural Science Foundation of China projects, over 60 Provincial and Ministerial Projects, over 90 Enterprise-funded Transverse Projects, receiving scientific research funds of 24.8 million RMB. Besides, the researchers have won some prizes, including 5 Provincial Science and Technology Progress Awards, 1 Provincial Teaching Achievement Award and three other Provincial and Ministerial Awards.

The School attaches great importance to the domestic and international academic exchanges and carries on academic exchanges with 9 universities and research communities in Japan, Australia and the United States. It also cooperates with nationwide well-known enterprises in production, teaching and research. It is affiliated to four provincial professional committees of Seepage and Seepage Control, Geotechnical Mechanics and Traffic Engineering and some influential conferences at home and abroad are held in the School.

Elites at home and abroad are welcome to our School. It is believed that School of Civil Engineering and Architecture will have a better future with the joint efforts of all teachers.

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